Quiz - Musculoskeletal System

1.   4 Year boy , Hx of numerous fractures not related to trauma .Physical Examination reveals evidence of previous fractures , abnormal hearing , blue sclera and loose joints. X-ray reveals bones to be markedly thin.
Most likely diagnosis is
d.Osteogenesis imperfecta
e.Ostetitis deformans

2.Which of the following condition produces destruction of both bone and articular cartilage?
 a. T.B
 b.Multiple Myeloma
 c. Metastasis
 e. Non hodgkins

3. Which bigniami type of acromian is most commonly associated with Shoulder Impingement syndrome?
 a.Flat - Type 1
 b.Curved -Type 2
 c.Hooked - Type 3
 d.Inferior convexity - Type 4
 e. Type 5


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