1. Transudate : This appears anechoic with no internal echoes. Seen in heart failure , liver failure , kidney disesases. There is no matting of bowel loops seen. Sepatations are absent.
2.Exudate due to inflammation : The ascitic fluid appears anechoic ,+/- internal echoes , with a layer of debris in the ascitic fluid which is hypo/iso/hyperechoic. Septations may be present. Matting of bowel not seen.
3.Exudate due to malignanacy : The ascitic fluid appears anechoic , +/- internal echoes , debris +/- , matting of bowel +/-
USG - Particulate ascitic fluid with peritoneal mass
1. http://www.bhj.org/journal/2004_4604_oct/oct 2004/htm/case_elusive.htm
2. http://radiographics.rsna.org/content/23/3/663.figures-only?sid=29fc5035-6e29-4470-8ebc-dffc558fffe6
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