X-ray :
Radiographic findings include uniform renal enlargement, diminished nephrographic density, delayed calycealopacification, diminished calyceal contrast density, and attenuated and distended pyelocalyceal structures. Rarely, focal calyceal compression may be seen. Dilatation of the collecting system and nodular edema of the pelvis or infundibulum are also reported. A striated nephrogram is a relatively common presentation.
IVU shows non enhancement , diminished calyceal density .
USG: Superior pole shows swelling and indistinctness of margins with a focal area of mixed echogenicity.
Power Doppler shows decreased blood flow in the superior pole.
CT Scan:
Non contrast CT scan abdomen shows area of perinephric stranding
Contrast Enhanced CT scan in the nephrographic phase shows decreased contrast uptake and minimal perinehric stranding
Contrast Enhanced CT scan ,collecting system phase shows striated nephrogram.
Radiographic findings include uniform renal enlargement, diminished nephrographic density, delayed calycealopacification, diminished calyceal contrast density, and attenuated and distended pyelocalyceal structures. Rarely, focal calyceal compression may be seen. Dilatation of the collecting system and nodular edema of the pelvis or infundibulum are also reported. A striated nephrogram is a relatively common presentation.
IVU shows non enhancement , diminished calyceal density .
USG: Superior pole shows swelling and indistinctness of margins with a focal area of mixed echogenicity.
Power Doppler shows decreased blood flow in the superior pole.
CT Scan:
Non contrast CT scan abdomen shows area of perinephric stranding
Contrast Enhanced CT scan in the nephrographic phase shows decreased contrast uptake and minimal perinehric stranding
Contrast Enhanced CT scan ,collecting system phase shows striated nephrogram.