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Desmoid tumors are benign proliferation of fibroblastic cells in connective or fibrous tissue.
Most commonly found in the abdomen, arising from the anterior abdominal wall, mesentery, or retroperitoneum.
Locally aggressive and high recurrence rate.
Pathology: - 75% prior abdominal surgery
- 18-20% of patients with Gardner's syndrome have it. Mutation in APC gene.
- Can be resistant to percutaneous biopsy because very hard
- Sporadically occurring tumors more numerous than those seen in FAP.
- Exact cause unknown
Best diagnostic clue: Small bowel mesentery or abdominal wall mass arising from scar of prior surgery
Location: - Small bowel mesentery, abdominal wall musculature, retroperitomeum, pelvic musculature
- Extraabdominal locations: bladder, ribs, pelvic bones
Range from 5-20cm
Can be solitary or multiple
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