A. MRI T1W SE +CONTRAST-High signal mass and T2W FRFSE sequences show slightly high signal intensity extra axial mass extending into the Left cavernous sinus,compressing the left ICA , infrasellar area . Additionally the T2W shows area without signal in the cleft between mass and the left temporal lobe indicating the extra axial origin of the mass characteristic of meningioma.
B.ParaSagittal section T1W+CONTRAST image shows Infrasellar high signal massextending over the clivus , suggesting it may be a chordoma but the MR high signal and homogenous signal goes against it . Chordoma usually do not enhance whereas meningioma
enhance avidly.
C.Contrast Study shows T1W SE with highly enhancing mass suggesting meningioma and going against Chordoma.
D.CT scan - NCCT showshomogenous, slightly hyperdense mass in the parasellar region, with bone erosion .Chordomas are usually heterogenous and show bone destruction with calcification , whereas meningiomas show hyperattenuation ,homogenous or heterogenous and so we concluded this is a case of Meningioma.
Chordoma shows low signal on T1W SE sequence,except in cases of hemorrhage where it will show high signal areas of hemorrhage in a low signal tumor, T2W SE shows non specific high signal.
Other D/D includes Cranioipharyngiomas which are seen in Children and which shows calcification on CT scan.
B.ParaSagittal section T1W+CONTRAST image shows Infrasellar high signal massextending over the clivus , suggesting it may be a chordoma but the MR high signal and homogenous signal goes against it . Chordoma usually do not enhance whereas meningioma
enhance avidly.
C.Contrast Study shows T1W SE with highly enhancing mass suggesting meningioma and going against Chordoma.
D.CT scan - NCCT showshomogenous, slightly hyperdense mass in the parasellar region, with bone erosion .Chordomas are usually heterogenous and show bone destruction with calcification , whereas meningiomas show hyperattenuation ,homogenous or heterogenous and so we concluded this is a case of Meningioma.
Chordoma shows low signal on T1W SE sequence,except in cases of hemorrhage where it will show high signal areas of hemorrhage in a low signal tumor, T2W SE shows non specific high signal.
Other D/D includes Cranioipharyngiomas which are seen in Children and which shows calcification on CT scan.
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